P-06-1242 Improve Endometriosis Healthcare in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 05.09.22


Many thanks for sending on the latest correspondence regarding my petition, and thank you to everyone for the help they’ve given with raising awareness of endometriosis through the interview and blog that was put together recently.


I appreciate the ongoing correspondence between Jack Sargeant and Eluned Morgan on this matter, and in regards to the Health Minister's latest letter my thoughts are as follows:

Please also see below commentary regarding the latest correspondence from the charity Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales, who I volunteer with as one of their endometriosis champions:


Letter from Health Minister to Petitions Committee

  1. Reference to the Welsh Government's Women’s Health Quality Statement - We would be pleased if the QS made some reference to the #WomensHealthWales Coalition's document, at least as a citation, as it clearly evidences the collaborative and co-productive approach taken by the WG team with third sector partners and patient representatives;
  2. Health boards and trusts are responsible for planning and delivery of women’s health services in line with professional standards and the quality attributes set out within the Women’s Health Quality Statement - It would be useful for patients to have some sense of how the WG proposes oversight of this activity, both to ensure standards are met equitably across Wales and that third sector / service-users are involved in design and evaluation of services;
  3. Where tertiary services are provided, I expect suitable conversations to take place on a regional basis to ensure appropriate funding arrangements exist and to enable pathways that provide equitable provision across the whole of Wales - Historically, this has proved problematic due to block funding arrangements in Wales. We would like to see the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) playing an active part in these conversations and for national clinical leads and patient advocates to be invited to discuss with them the existing challenges and possible solutions;
  4. Work on the development of the Plan is underway and there will be a process of engagement and ongoing consultation with the Coalition and wider stakeholders to ensure the plan is co-produced and responds to the needs of all women who access our health services - Beyond the planning stages, we would like to see patient involvement / co-production made a key part of decision-making within implementation groups, and service design / evaluation within each health board. Part of reporting measures should include the degree to which this is taking place. This kind of activity also needs adequate support and resourcing so we would welcome some sense of what plans are in place to provide that sort of sustainability.


Letter from HCRW to Petitions Committee

  1. We are currently preparing to support the Welsh Government’s agenda on Women’s Health, therefore your letter is very timely as we consider where the key evidence gaps across a range of issues are, inclusive of endometriosis - Can HCRW give some idea of when we might expect to see this reflected in published research priorities / calls? Is HCRW able to provide some sense of the funding that might be attached to women's health-related research projects? Also, can HCRW give some assurances regarding establishing criteria for the co-production of both research topics and project design?
  2. I am also aware that colleagues in the School of Psychology in Cardiff University have a strong interest in the diagnosis of endometriosis and are supporting Endometriosis Cymru - FTWW is pleased to have long collaborated and supported their work on endometriosis. However, longer-term and larger-scale funding is needed to bring some elements of the work to fruition and, indeed, to ensure that they are utilised effectively across Wales, such as digitising the Endometriosis Cymru symptom tracker tool. Might the latter be something with which HCRW could support, or would this be more the remit of Health Education & Improvement Wales? 



Please let me know if you require anything further prior to the Petitions Committee meeting on the 19th September.



Best wishes,


Beth Hales